
Pros and Cons of String VS Micro inverters

The power generated by your solar panel are direct currents (DC). But the type of power used in households is Alternate current (AC). So to convert DC to AC, you need inverters. And those are of two types:

  1. String inverters
  2. Micro inverters

String inverters

This is a single inverter for all your panels. All the DC current produced by your system gets converted to AC with this single inverter. As the solar panels are connected as strings and sent over to the inverter, it’s called a string inverter.


  1. Easy to repair: As there is only one inverter, it is easy to troubleshoot when something goes repaired. And can be easily fixed
  2. Priced economically: There are cheap compared to the micro inverters. So this is a go-to option for many solar adapters
  3. Higher energy for less cost: If your panels aren’t covered by any shades, then it produces the same energy as micro inverters. But at a fraction of the cost.


  1. Shade: As the string inverter is wired in the string, partial shade in one panel affects the output as a whole. Meaning, if the production of one panel reduces, it reduces the production of all the panels. In other words: the string inverter produces power as strong as your weakest panel.
  2. No tracking: As there are no individual inverters for each panel, you can’t monitor each panel’s performance and output.
  3. Life span: While a micro-inverter has a warranty of 25 years, string only comes with 10 year warranty period.

Micro inverters

Micro-inverters convert the DC current to AC. The functions are the same. But instead of having one centralized inverter, each panel has its own inverter. So the number of panels you install equals the number of inverters you should buy.


  1. Increased energy production: As each panel has its own inverter, each panel works more efficiently and generates more power than string inverters.
  2. Multi-directional support: If you have panels facing multiple angles, then micro inverters are the way to go. It helps to optimize power generation on each panel level even if it’s covered by a shade.
  3. Life span: It has a 25-year warranty compared to a string inverter which has only a 10-year warranty.
  4. Easy tracking: As each panel is connected to a micro inverter, it is easy to track the performance and efficiency of each panel.


  1. Cost: Micro inverters are useful but it also has a higher price compared to string inverter. So this leads to an overall increase in your cost of going solar.
  2. Maintenance: It is hard to troubleshoot problems as there are many components in micro-inverters. Even if you do find the problem, the cost of fixing them is expensive.

So that wraps the pros and cons of both string and micro-inverters. There is no one solution for everyone. The decision between choosing micro vs string depends on your requirement and budget. So do your research and find out what’s best for you.

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