
Why Solar is not for everyone

It’s true that solar is the future of residential energy and everyone is going to move to it, eventually. But there are categories of people who benefit from solar but have not installed it yet. And there are also people who have installed it but have not yet seen any benefit from it. This is because of a lack of proper research before installing solar. And this reason caused so many generalized myths revolving around solar space overall.

So this blog addresses to solve and address a few of the questions like

  1. Who should install solar and what are the criteria they need to look at to take sound decisions
  2. What is the financial help if installing?
  3. Which type of house is most suitable for solar and
  4. Some questions you need to ask yourself and your utility company before arriving at a decision.

Who should install solar?

These two variables can answer this:

  1. Go to your utility company website. Download your past bills. Check the average amount you’re paying every month to your utility company (Go up to 12 months to get an average). From state to state the rates differ and so do the policies, getting an average of what you’re paying will determine the cost-effectiveness of solar.
  2. How much sunshine or sunlight do you get where you live? Check the link for the calculator: 

What financial assistance is available?

If you have the cash amount ready, well and good. If not, don’t worry there are 3 safe ways you can finance your solar installation.

  1. This is a zero-interest offer. You take a loan for the purchase. You just pay the principal, no interest. But the catch is, their offer is only for the short term like 12 -24 months. So if you’re taking $30,000 as a loan, your monthly payment would be $1250 for 24 months. The high monthly payment would be hard for some but if you can handle it, this is the best way to finance.
  2. They will check your current energy bills. Cut off a certain percentage so that it would be a saving. And for the remaining, that will be your loan. A fantastic option if you’re tight on budget. And also it is better to pay for something you own than for a random utility company.
  3. You don’t buy solar panels here. Instead, a company will install the solar for you and they’ll be your utility company. They give a more affordable and fixed payment. Also, you won’t have the headache of owning and maintaining panels.

Which type of house is best for solar?

Although these are NOT deal breakers for installing solar, they certainly affect the efficiency and the decision-making:

  1. You know that, if you live in the northern hemisphere your panel should face south. And if you live in the southern hemisphere, your panel should face north. Some houses have aligned perfectly to face north or south. But if your house is not, it will command more work to get the panel in the right orientation. You will go over it and can install it, anyway. But you should know these things matter too.
  2. Trees. If your house is on a vast field with no shades, you will get the maximum out of your panels. If not, efficiency will decrease as shades and trees are a killer for a solar panel.
  3. Looks. If your house faces south in the northern hemisphere or north-facing in the southern hemisphere, then solar panels will be installed in the front side of your house. Even though this has ZERO functional disadvantages, if you’re the person who considers the look of the house, this may break the deal. Solar panels in front of your house will affect the aesthetics of your house.

Questions to ask yourself & utility company

  1. Is time abuse applicable to my unit?
    (What is time abuse? Know this here: we can direct them to another page)
  2. What are the base rates?
    (What are base rates? Know this here)
  3. Any concessions for charging electric cars with this?
  4. Warranty in case of a natural disaster?
    (Check what to do if you’re not covered by warranty here)


In the end, it’s your research that will pay. You are the one who should decide what’s right for your needs. Never be pressured or anxious in choosing. Take time, analyze more, read more articles, check your state’s policy, and check for rebates and tax exemptions. Talk to the one on your streets who already installed it. After doing all these, with clarity in your mind, make a decision.

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